I painted these cherry blossoms while standing in my own driveway, far away from any onlookers, to preserve social distancing in these coronavirus times. Even so, people asked to come look, so I’d back up 30 feet and ask them to get no closer to the easel than 10 feet or so. I had several people offer to buy it, and it has now found a home.
I’m not used to photographing larger paintings, so I took a lot of bad photos of it; this is the least bad photo. It reveals a couple of imperfections that may or may not be in the original. In my defense, it was windy outdoors while I was trying to photograph it, and blossoms were blowing onto the picture, so I had to rush. Still, I need to upgrade my art photography skills!
Geoff Watson, “Cherry Blossoms in March,” oil on linen, 18” x 24.” Private collection.