
Today my son graduated from The Catholic University of America at its 129th Commencement ceremony!  Because I'm on the faculty at Catholic, I had the honor of greeting my son on stage and handing him his diploma.  That was great!  

Also, the theme of the ceremony was remarkable.  It was about immigration, and about welcoming.  First the University awarded several honorary degrees to immigrants from Cuba, Syria, Pakistan, Italy, and Lebanon.  Then we heard from the main speaker, Archbishop Jose Gomez, who spoke movingly of immigration's role in American history and culture.  President John Garvey described a painting he hangs in his home that welcomes guests, and he urged graduates to welcome guests into their own lives.  And one of the closing speakers quoted Emma Lazarus: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."   

I brought my sketchbook but forgot a writing implement.  My new best friend from the Drama Department loaned me a pen, and I drew the sketch below with it.  I'm pleased with it, though I got hot and tired by the time I reached the right half of the page, and my vertical lines there wandered off in the wrong direction.  Still and all, the picture captures the essence of the thing.  Hats off to CUA for a great Commencement! 

Geoff Watson, "Catholic University Commencement, 2018," pen on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Catholic University Commencement, 2018," pen on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.