This month I’ve challenged myself to do a small oil painting every day. If you follow the online art world, you may be familiar with the “daily painting” movement. The idea is to improve by doing a little every day, rather than trying to do a lot once a week. By painting small, you can get a study done in an hour or two. In truth, I already paint or draw every day anyway, but I often use pencil, pen or other media. This month it will be all oil paintings, all the time. If my sore back holds out, that is.
That said, I may not post every daily painting here! I don’t want to inundate my readers with daily blog posts. Also, let’s face it, not every “daily painting” is a masterpiece. Today’s may be a case in point. I didn’t start until 6 pm or so, and I rushed a bit, so things are a bit sloppy. Still fun, though.
Geoff Watson, “At the window” (May daily painting #1), oil on panel, 8” x 8,” 2019.