Odds and Ends

I started this still life a few weeks ago but haven’t had much time to work on it until today. (I’m teaching this semester, so I’m busier.) This afternoon I sneaked in a couple hours on it, sketching in three new items. It may still need an object on the right, for balance. My original plan was to highlight the tall kettle/pitcher, but we’ll see.

Geoff Watson, “Odds and Ends,” oil on linen, 14” x 18,” 2018.

Geoff Watson, “Odds and Ends,” oil on linen, 14” x 18,” 2018.

Pot & pitcher

It’s been almost a week since I felt well enough to dig into my oil paints, but today I finally felt better. I added a pitcher and pot to my ongoing still life. Still lots to be done, but it sure feels great to be painting again.

Geoff Watson, “Pot and pitcher,” work in progress, oil on panel, 18” x 24,” 2017.

Geoff Watson, “Pot and pitcher,” work in progress, oil on panel, 18” x 24,” 2017.