Emily seated

It’s been a very busy September at work, and I hadn’t touched a paint brush for two weeks until today, so I felt a bit rusty. Still, this two-hour figure study, painted in life class, turned out better than I expected.

I should have a bit more time to paint in the coming weeks, so I hope to post a bit more frequently!

Geoff Watson, “Study of Emily seated,” oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “Study of Emily seated,” oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2019.

Emily, week 2

This was the second session of a two-session pose. I’m pretty happy with it; the likeness is good, and the colors are juicy.

Geoff Watson, “Emily in January,” oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “Emily in January,” oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2019.

Emily in January

This is the first of a two-week portrait study. I suppose this is a brunaille — a brownish underpainting. I was focusing on getting the drawing right, not really attending to color. It’s close to a likeness, but Emily is younger and slimmer in real life, so I will try to fix those things next week. I hope I have enough time to add some detail to her eyes, too.

Geoff Watson, “Emily in January,” oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “Emily in January,” oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2019.

Emily reclining

In life class we almost always have a nude model, but I almost always paint the portrait, not the full figure. I do draw the full figure in our warm-ups, but for a painting, I am generally most interested in the subject’s face. This time, though, the reclining pose really called for a figure study. I did this in about an hour and forty-five minutes.

Geoff Watson, “Study of Emily reclining,” oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2018.

Geoff Watson, “Study of Emily reclining,” oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2018.

Emily looking right

I did this portrait in about two hours in life class today. As always, more time would have been nice, but I did get a likeness.

Geoff Watson, “Emily looking left,” oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2018.

Geoff Watson, “Emily looking left,” oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2018.


This portrait was a real challenge, as I had to contend with three light sources: two light bulbs, plus off-and-on sun streaming through translucent window shades.  I wiped it off halfway through and restarted!  I'm afraid some of the shadows are too dark, but I don't like to retouch it once the model is no longer in front of me.  It's still kinda cool.

Geoff Watson, "Blonde," oil on panel, 11" x 14," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Blonde," oil on panel, 11" x 14," 2018.

Emily, backlit

Today we did more quick figure studies in life class, and again I did several charcoal drawings that I may post later. For now, here’s a look at a 45-minute oil sketch. I was mostly interested in the backlighting around her head and upper body.

Geoff Watson, “Emily, backlit”, oil study on panel, 11” x 14,” 2018.

Geoff Watson, “Emily, backlit”, oil study on panel, 11” x 14,” 2018.

Emily - week 1

I started this portrait last weekend, but I forgot to post it until now; it's been a busy week. The drawing is good as far as it goes, but I hope to develop it further in the remaining two sessions.

Geoff Watson, "Emily," work in progress, oil on panel, 11" x 14," 2017.

Geoff Watson, "Emily," work in progress, oil on panel, 11" x 14," 2017.