Today is my birthday, and it was a glorious day of warm sunshine here in the D.C. area. I celebrated by spending the day painting a bend in the Potomac River.
Geoff Watson, "Small Waterfalls on the Potomac," oil on panel, 8" x 10", 2017.
Today is my birthday, and it was a glorious day of warm sunshine here in the D.C. area. I celebrated by spending the day painting a bend in the Potomac River.
Geoff Watson, "Small Waterfalls on the Potomac," oil on panel, 8" x 10", 2017.
Plein air painters love The Great Falls National Park, and for good reason: there's no shortage of interesting subjects. I visited the Maryland side of the park today and started this painting. This old tavern stands guard by a lock on the venerable C&O Canal. The picture needs work; the only question is when I'll revisit the park. maybe later this week.
"Tavern at Great Falls," oil on panel, 9" x 12" (2017) (work in progress).