Recent sketches

Here are a few more of my recent sketches. I did this first one a couple days ago, in about half an hour, using a pen. I like using a pen because you can’t erase your mistakes, which makes me concentrate harder. As the saying goes, measure twice, draw once.

Geoff Watson, “Sketch of a living room,” pen on paper, 11” x 14,” 2020.

Geoff Watson, “Sketch of a living room,” pen on paper, 11” x 14,” 2020.

This next one I did a couple weeks ago, from life, at the Art Students League in New York. It was the last open-sketching session of the year, I think.

Geoff Watson, “Study of a nude,” ink on paper, about 6” x 8,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “Study of a nude,” ink on paper, about 6” x 8,” 2019.

And here’s a sketch from a couple weeks ago. About 10 or 15 minutes, from life. Nothing spectacular, but I like the diagonal construction lines that I inexplicably included.

Geoff Watson, “Sketch with construction lines,” ink on paper, about 6” x 8,” 2020.

Geoff Watson, “Sketch with construction lines,” ink on paper, about 6” x 8,” 2020.

And lastly, a sketch in oil paint, from today’s life class. Our instructor urged us to mass in shapes and worry less about contour lines and other niceties of precise drawing. My results were somewhat mixed, especially as I never got around to putting in the ear, but it was a good experiment. About 90 minutes.

Geoff Watson, “Unfinished sketch of Moe,” oil on linen panel, 11” x 14,” 2020.

Geoff Watson, “Unfinished sketch of Moe,” oil on linen panel, 11” x 14,” 2020.


I did this study of Moe in life class today. It took about two hours. I like it!

Geoff Watson, “Moe (portrait study),” oil on linen panel, 11” x 14,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “Moe (portrait study),” oil on linen panel, 11” x 14,” 2019.

Sketch of Moe

I did this oil sketch of Moe in about 40 minutes today, in life class. I wasted much of class prepping my panel and then dashing to my car repeatedly to grab supplies I forgot to bring inside. So this quick painting is very rough, mostly painted with a very big brush in one go. Next time I’ll get to class early!

“Sketch of Moe,” oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2019.

“Sketch of Moe,” oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2019.


I started this portrait of Moe in life class a couple weeks ago, and today we continued with the same pose, but I had a different vantage point. So, prompted by my instructor, I experimented with the composition. Eventually I’d like to achieve the lost and distorted edges produced by artists like Terry Miura, but I can see it will take a lot of practice. Even so, this was a decent start.

“Moe with distortions,” oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2019.

“Moe with distortions,” oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2019.


I’ve never had the privilege of painting Moe before. Wow, what a great model! He’s got a handsome face and fantastic physique, and he’s a super nice guy — just a treat to paint. This was the first of a two-session pose; not sure whether to refine this next time or start a new one, perhaps of his whole figure. Either way, I really look forward to painting him again.

Geoff Watson, “Moe,” study in progress, oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “Moe,” study in progress, oil on panel, 11” x 14,” 2019.