Daily painting #65: Self-sketch

I’ve taken my daily-painting show on the road! I’m in New York visiting family, and I brought a portable easel and five tubes of paint: red, yellow, blue, white, and transparent red oxide (for sketching). I spent the evening trying to paint family members, but I kept wiping out half-decent efforts — without remembering to photograph them for this blog! Dumb! So I got back to my hotel room with nothing to post. But the daily painting streak must live on! So I did a quick 15-minute self-portrait sketch, in just one color, transparent red oxide. Not great, but I like the old-style sepia feel.

Geoff Watson, “Self-study (sketch),” oil on panel, about 6” x 8,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “Self-study (sketch),” oil on panel, about 6” x 8,” 2019.

Daily painting #60: At the easel (day 2)

I developed the painting more, and I started exploring different ideas for the background. I probably will add my eyeglasses, and I need to refine the facial features. A tougher issue is whether to put a paintbrush in my left hand! That’s how I see myself as I paint this in a mirror, but I’m right-handed. Back at it tomorrow!

Geoff Watson, “In progress: At the easel, day 2,” June daily painting #29, oil on panel, 12” x 16,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “In progress: At the easel, day 2,” June daily painting #29, oil on panel, 12” x 16,” 2019.

Daily painting #59: At the easel (day 1)

I decided to embark on a larger, multi-day painting, but I’ll post each day’s progress as a new “daily painting.” This is me at the easel — facing a giant mirror, heh. I’m actually standing indoors, in a room with blue-green wallpaper, but I may end up situating myself outdoors, which is my most common painting pose. Obviously a lot to do, but I like the torso so far. Also, I like that paint (unlike photography) allows one to trim a few pounds from the subject…

Geoff Watson, “In progress: At the easel, day 1,” June daily painting #28, oil on panel, 12” x 16,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “In progress: At the easel, day 1,” June daily painting #28, oil on panel, 12” x 16,” 2019.

Daily painting #25: Improved self-portrait

I couldn’t stand looking at that bad start, so I resumed my little 6” x 6” self-portrait today. After a couple more hours work, it’s better. It’s getting closer to a likeness, and it’s no longer bad, lol. I will work on it again on the next rainy day.

Geoff Watson, “Improved self-portrait (in progress),” May daily painting #25, study, oil on panel, 6” x 6,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “Improved self-portrait (in progress),” May daily painting #25, study, oil on panel, 6” x 6,” 2019.

Daily painting #24: Goofy self-portrait

I didn’t have much time for today’s daily painting, so this is a goofy start of a tiny self-portrait. I’ll work on it a bit tomorrow, which will be another busy day for me. Normally I wouldn’t post something this bad, but part of the point of the daily painting movement is to keep a daily journal. So, look and giggle!

Geoff Watson, “Goofy self-portrait (in progress),” study, May daily painting #24, oil on panel, 6” x 6,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “Goofy self-portrait (in progress),” study, May daily painting #24, oil on panel, 6” x 6,” 2019.

Self-portrait (in progress)

I've been working on this self-portrait for a few days, using a single mirror, so the image is reversed. One can cure this problem by using two mirrors, but it's very tricky to do this. Anyway, I'd like to add more color to my face, make me smile a tad more, refine the shirt and glasses, and fix other stuff.

Unfortunately, the likeness is pretty good! I should have stopped painting when I looked like Paul Newman. :-)

Geoff Watson, "Self-portrait," oil on canvas, work in progress, 14" x 18," 2017.

Geoff Watson, "Self-portrait," oil on canvas, work in progress, 14" x 18," 2017.