The side gate (Day 4)

It was a lovely afternoon, so I hauled my gear out to the side of my house to continue work on my side gate. It’s getting close to completion, but I’d still like to spruce up the foreground bush and maybe tweak the background a bit. I’m glad I put in the flowers last week, because they’re fading now.

Geoff Watson, “The side gate,” oil on linen panel, 12” x 16,” 2020.

Geoff Watson, “The side gate,” oil on linen panel, 12” x 16,” 2020.

The side gate (day 3)

It was sunny and downright hot today, with temperatures in the 70s, so I was back outside, painting my gate. This time I focused on the right side of the picture, including the ivy and the tall rose bush, and I made some first efforts at a background.

I'm not happy with the background yet. I tried adding more trees, but they interfered with the U-shaped junction between the gate and the ivy, which I really like. I also need to work on the foreground, especially the foreground bush. Still, I like the direction this is going.

Geoff Watson, “The side gate (in progress, day3),” oil on linen panel, 12” x 16.”

Geoff Watson, “The side gate (in progress, day3),” oil on linen panel, 12” x 16.”

Daily painting #3: unfinished wall

This study had potential, but I didn’t finish: the sunshine turned into clouds, the clouds became scary thunder, and I had to rush indoors to avoid being drenched by heavy rain. I still got some ideas down, and it was nice to be outdoors. I stood for the entire 90 minutes I worked, and my back felt good!

With more rain in the forecast for tomorrow, our next daily painting may be a still life.

Geoff Watson, “Unfinished wall,” May daily painting #3, oil on panel, 8” x 10,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “Unfinished wall,” May daily painting #3, oil on panel, 8” x 10,” 2019.