May Azaleas

These azaleas are fading already, so I rushed outside to paint them while I still can. I’d like to try working them into a larger composition if they’re still blooming after tomorrow’s rain.

Geoff Watson, “May Azaleas,” oil on linen panel, 12” x 16.”

Geoff Watson, “May Azaleas,” oil on linen panel, 12” x 16.”

Daily painting #85: Canal

Our rented house in Rehoboth Beach looks out on the Rehoboth-Lewes Canal. It was raining all day, but that didn’t stop me from setting up under an awning and painting the scene. I wanted a better view of the canal, so I “pruned” a few bushes with my brushes.

Geoff Watson, “Rehoboth-Lewes Canal,” oil on linen, 6” x 12,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “Rehoboth-Lewes Canal,” oil on linen, 6” x 12,” 2019.