The side gate (in progress)

I had a fun afternoon painting under beautiful sunny skies. I chose to paint the gate by the side of my house. I think it’s a good start. The gate itself is quaint, and the flowers on the right add color and interest. I plan to spend at least another day on it, and probably more. I need to add railings to the stairs and lots of other detail. We’ll see how it goes.

Geoff Watson, “The side gate (in progress),” oil on linen panel, 12” x 16.”

Geoff Watson, “The side gate (in progress),” oil on linen panel, 12” x 16.”

National Museum of African-American History & Culture

Today my family and I visited the Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History & Culture in Washington, DC. It was a great experience! I thought the historical portion of the museum was particularly well done. The highlight for me was the casket of Emmett Till, which people lined up to view, as if at a funeral service. It was extraordinary.

The museum also features a fascinating set of exhibits on African-American culture, including a wing devoted to fine art. I was especially impressed by two landscapes by Robert S. Duncanson (1821-72), an African-American painter influenced by the Hudson River School of grand, romantic vistas. One is "Robbing the Eagle's Nest," which you can see here: . The other, "Garden of Eden," apparently reflects Duncanson's hope for a more just America. You can see it here: . (I'm not sure whether the images are in the public domain, and the museum didn't permit photography of the fine art, so I'm just providing links.)

There is a ton to see in this awesome museum! Here's one more example: Chuck Berry's Cadillac. How cool is that?

Chuck Berrys car.JPG