Gouache study

I’ve been busy learning to draw on the iPad and experimenting with gouache and watercolor, but while I have produced a lot of stuff, not much is worth sharing yet. This gouache study is sort of borderline, but I do like some things about it. The sky dried darker than I expected, as gouache is wont to do, and I had trouble making it lighter by painting over it, so I gave up and left it as it was. Other than that, there’s a lot to like here.

Geoff Watson, “Pool study,” gouache and ink on paper, about 5” x 8,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “Pool study,” gouache and ink on paper, about 5” x 8,” 2019.

View from poolside

It was a beautiful but hot day, so I decided to draw and paint at the swimming pool. I wasn't sure I'd finished coloring this piece when it was time to leave, but maybe less is more? 

Geoff Watson, "View from poolside," ink and watercolor on paper, 4" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "View from poolside," ink and watercolor on paper, 4" x 8," 2018.

Here's a picture of the piece after I'd finished drawing, with just one thin wash of watercolor on one part of the roof. I love drawing architecture! If the weather stays this hot, I may draw this building a lot this summer.  

Geoff Watson, "Drawing from poolside," ink and watercolor on paper, 4" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Drawing from poolside," ink and watercolor on paper, 4" x 8," 2018.

Pool sketches

I wandered around in the heat looking for a spot to paint, got overheated, and decided to go swim instead.  Fortunately I had my pens and watercolors with me!  I did a few quick sketches and watercolors in my sketchbook.  Here's a page from the book -- with a couple of doodles edited out.

Geoff Watson, "Pool sketches," ink wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Pool sketches," ink wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

At the pool

I spent the afternoon at the pool and did some sketching and watercoloring. Apologies for the glare in this first photo. I can't re-take the photograph because I accidentally blotted the picture after I photographed it!  So this will have to do.

Geoff Watson, "Pool sketch," watercolor and pen on paper, 3" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Pool sketch," watercolor and pen on paper, 3" x 8," 2018.

I did an ink wash sketch, using blue ink, of a woman sitting at the pool.

Geoff Watson, "Sketch at the pool," ink wash on paper, 4" x 5," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Sketch at the pool," ink wash on paper, 4" x 5," 2018.

And a lifeguard.  It's a bit out of proportion, but it's still kind of fun.

Geoff Watson, "Sketch of a lifeguard," ink and watercolor on paper, 4" x 6," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Sketch of a lifeguard," ink and watercolor on paper, 4" x 6," 2018.