Broad Branch Market

Broad Branch Market is a charming neighborhood general store in northwest Washington DC. Every time I visit it, neighborhood kids are buzzing around socializing, neighborhood parents are shopping for groceries, and friendly people are sitting at the tables in front of the Market, enjoying the day. Followers of this blog may recall that I painted a tiny ink-and-watercolor sketch of the market last summer, plein air, in my sketchbook.

Well, the Market is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, and I guess they were googling themselves when they ran across my blog post. They contacted me about acquiring the painting and displaying it in their store and on their website. So lo and behold, the Market now owns the original painting, now handsomely framed under glass. Their website apparently will be updated later this year to commemorate their anniversary; here’s the current link.

Anyway, if you need some groceries and neighborly cheer — and if you want to see a Watson original — stop by the Broad Branch Market. :)

Geoff Watson, “Broad Branch Market,” ink wash & watercolor on paper, about 5” x 8,” 2018 (private collection).

Geoff Watson, “Broad Branch Market,” ink wash & watercolor on paper, about 5” x 8,” 2018 (private collection).

Fenway Park thumbnail

Here’s a tiny thumbnail sketch of Fenway Park, one of several studies for an eventual oil painting. The original is 2” x 3” or so, maybe smaller than the image you see on your screen. Ordinarily I don’t post my thumbnail sketches here, but it’s Opening Day, so why not? (We will not speak of the unfortunate result of Boston’s Opening Day baseball game against the Seattle Mariners.)

The main idea here is to highlight the Green Monster by graying and darkening things around it. The Green Monster is Fenway’s huge, iconic left-field wall. I think Monster is a rather unfair name for such a beautiful piece of architecture, but there are lots of left-handed pitchers who disagree with me.

Geoff Watson, “Fenway Park (thumbnail sketch),” study, ink and wash on paper, about 2” x 3” (2019).

Geoff Watson, “Fenway Park (thumbnail sketch),” study, ink and wash on paper, about 2” x 3” (2019).

Orange Roof

I’ve been itching to paint this house for months, and today I finally got to it. It took about two hours. I got cold and declared victory!

Geoff Watson, “Orange Roof,” oil on panel, 9” x 12,” 2018.

Geoff Watson, “Orange Roof,” oil on panel, 9” x 12,” 2018.

Before I did the painting, I did this little sketch. The idea of the sketch was “light house against dark background.”

Geoff Watson, “House on Brookside,” ink and wash on paper, about 4” x 6,” 2018.

Geoff Watson, “House on Brookside,” ink and wash on paper, about 4” x 6,” 2018.


It's been too hot to draw anywhere outside other than the swimming pool!  So I did this sketch of a sunbather at the pool.    

Geoff Watson, "Sunbather," ink on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Sunbather," ink on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Purple heads

I bought a jar of Noodler's Cactus Fruit Eel ink.  Just typing "cactus fruit eel" is fun, so imagine how much fun it is to draw with this stuff!  I put the ink into my new Duke 209 fountain pen.  Here are some results.

Geoff Watson, "Cactus fruit girl," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Cactus fruit girl," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Cactus fruit dude," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Cactus fruit dude," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Cactus Fruit Guy," ink on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Cactus Fruit Guy," ink on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Inky figures

While in New York, I made my usual pilgrimage to the Art Students League for a figure-drawing session. I brought a fountain pen, a waterbrush, and a Pentalic watercolor sketchbook.  These pictures were from 1-minute, 2-minute, and 5-minute poses.

Geoff Watson, "Gesture sketch," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Gesture sketch," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Gesture sketch 2," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Gesture sketch 2," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Gesture sketch 3," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Gesture sketch 3," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Gesture sketch 4," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Gesture sketch 4," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Gesture sketch 5," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Gesture sketch 5," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Sketching weekend

I'll be traveling to New York this weekend, so that means no oil paints until next week. I've been warming up with my ink and watercolors instead.

Geoff Watson, "Pool cabana," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Pool cabana," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Roof," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Roof," ink and wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Snack bar," ink and watercolor on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Snack bar," ink and watercolor on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Two markets

Today I did some urban sketches at two markets in Washington, DC.  The first is a neighborhood store called the Broad Branch Market, on Broad Branch Street, NW.  A good friend recommended it, and I'm glad she did!  I was struck by the friendliness of the place. The customers all seemed to know each other, and several ate snacks on picnic benches in front of the shop.  Teenagers hung out with friends, and parents brought kids to the soda fountain and deli. This isn't my best drawing because I was struggling to adjust to a new fountain pen, but I still like it.

Geoff Watson, "Broad Branch Market," ink and watercolor on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Broad Branch Market," ink and watercolor on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

I then went to check out another recommendation, the Circle Yoga building, but I had trouble finding a spot with a good vantage point. Instead I sat in my car at the parking lot behind Magruder's liquor store and sketched that. I was struck by how quickly patrons arrived, purchased, and departed.  There was little of the interaction I saw at the Broad Branch Market. I suppose you don't go to a liquor store to socialize. I freely admit I bungled the lettering on this one! I was going to paint over it with gouache but didn't get around to it.

Geoff Watson, "Magruder's," ink and watercolor on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Magruder's," ink and watercolor on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Washington Capitals fans!

My family finally got to see our beloved Washington Capitals capture the Stanley Cup last night!  I've sketched a few Caps fans in honor of the occasion.  First, the biggest Caps fan I know, my daughter.  I drew this a few days ago, when the Capitals' fortunes were more in doubt.

Geoff Watson, "World's Best Capitals Fan," ink wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "World's Best Capitals Fan," ink wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Next, a couple random fans who rode the Metro with us back from Game 4, which the Capitals won 6-2.  These fans did not sit very still, so these sketches are rather ... sketchy.

Geoff Watson, "Capitals fans on the Metro," ink on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Capitals fans on the Metro," ink on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

I've been to several golf major championships, but I'd never been to the finals of any professional team sport like baseball, football, basketball, hockey, or soccer.  So seeing a Stanley Cup playoff game in person was a thrill.  It was even more thrilling when my team won! Alas, I did only one sketch of the proceedings, and it's not very good; we had nosebleed seats, and I was juggling drinks and fries and worrying about dropping my pen and sketchbook. But I WAS THERE, so I'm posting this lousy sketch to prove it.  :)

Geoff Watson, "Lousy sketch of the Capital One Center before the start of Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Finals," ink on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Lousy sketch of the Capital One Center before the start of Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Finals," ink on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Pool sketches

I wandered around in the heat looking for a spot to paint, got overheated, and decided to go swim instead.  Fortunately I had my pens and watercolors with me!  I did a few quick sketches and watercolors in my sketchbook.  Here's a page from the book -- with a couple of doodles edited out.

Geoff Watson, "Pool sketches," ink wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Pool sketches," ink wash on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Swim team practice

The highlight of this swim practice was when the coaches insisted that little kids demonstrate dance moves while standing on the starter block.  It was so cute!  But dancers are tough to draw, so I focused instead on the coaches, who mostly stayed still.  

Geoff Watson, "Swim team practice," watercolor and ink on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Swim team practice," watercolor and ink on paper, 5" x 8," 2018.

At the pool

I spent the afternoon at the pool and did some sketching and watercoloring. Apologies for the glare in this first photo. I can't re-take the photograph because I accidentally blotted the picture after I photographed it!  So this will have to do.

Geoff Watson, "Pool sketch," watercolor and pen on paper, 3" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Pool sketch," watercolor and pen on paper, 3" x 8," 2018.

I did an ink wash sketch, using blue ink, of a woman sitting at the pool.

Geoff Watson, "Sketch at the pool," ink wash on paper, 4" x 5," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Sketch at the pool," ink wash on paper, 4" x 5," 2018.

And a lifeguard.  It's a bit out of proportion, but it's still kind of fun.

Geoff Watson, "Sketch of a lifeguard," ink and watercolor on paper, 4" x 6," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Sketch of a lifeguard," ink and watercolor on paper, 4" x 6," 2018.

Movie Star M

This is an ink-and-watch drawing of my beautiful daughter, but I added a little mascara and makeup to add even more glamour.  She looks like a movie star!

I used my Sailor fountain pen and a new Pentel waterbrush, in my small Pentalic watercolor sketchbook.  I think the drawing turned out pretty nicely, especially considering that you can't erase mistakes in ink.  :)  Anyway, a pretty drawing of a pretty girl.

Geoff Watson, "Movie Star M," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Movie Star M," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.


I brought my fountain pens and watercolors to a softball game today. First I sketched a few people hanging out before the game.

Geoff Watson, "Hanging out," ink wash on paper, about 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Hanging out," ink wash on paper, about 5" x 8," 2018.

At the diamond, I started with this quick pen-and-ink sketch of the catcher.

Geoff Watson, "Catcher," ink wash on paper, about 3" x 5," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Catcher," ink wash on paper, about 3" x 5," 2018.

And a quick sketch of the coach.  Alas, I closed the sketchbook too soon, and some of the ink ran, but it still captures his gesture.

Geoff Watson, "Coach," ink wash on paper, about 1" x 3," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Coach," ink wash on paper, about 1" x 3," 2018.

Next, a ballplayer.

Geoff Watson, "Ballplayer," ink and watercolor on paper, about 5" x 7," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Ballplayer," ink and watercolor on paper, about 5" x 7," 2018.

I have some earlier sketches of players at bat and some infield action, but I haven't gotten around to photographing them. So for now you'll have to settle for a watercolor sketch of fans in the bleachers.

Geoff Watson, "Softball fans," ink and watercolor on paper, about 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Softball fans," ink and watercolor on paper, about 5" x 8," 2018.

More ink studies

I've been using my new fountain pen all over the place -- in the doctor's waiting room, on the softball field, at the shopping mall.  Here are a few more examples.

Geoff Watson, "Heads," ink wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Heads," ink wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Ballplayer," ink and wash on paper, 4" x 6," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Ballplayer," ink and wash on paper, 4" x 6," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Head," ink wash on paper, 5" x 7," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Head," ink wash on paper, 5" x 7," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Doctor's waiting room," ink wash on paper, 5" x 7," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Doctor's waiting room," ink wash on paper, 5" x 7," 2018.

Mansion studies

I did this quick oil study of a local mansion today. 

Geoff Watson, "Mansion study," oil on panel, 12" x 16," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Mansion study," oil on panel, 12" x 16," 2018.

Here's an ink study I did of it beforehand. I think I prefer this to the painting!

Geoff Watson, "Mansion sketch," ink wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Mansion sketch," ink wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Behind me was the church I painted last week, so I did a quick ink sketch of it for fun too.  It might have made for a better subject than the mansion, but I wanted to try something different. I may return to the church later, as I do like it a lot.

Geoff Watson, "Church sketch," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Church sketch," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Ink sketches

I bought a Sailor fountain pen and decided to give it a whirl at Mazza Gallerie, in the Friendship Heights neighborhood of Washington, DC.  I brought along a waterbrush so that I could create ink washes -- diluted areas of ink used for shading and blending.  I started in the lobby area, which features big comfy chairs.  Lots of people flop in them to snooze or, more commonly, to use their phones.  

Geoff Watson, "Man at Mazza," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Man at Mazza," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

The fellow below didn't notice me, but his companion did.  They liked my drawing.  

Geoff Watson, "Another man at Mazza," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Another man at Mazza," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Here are a couple more guys with phones.

Geoff Watson, "Man on phone," ink and wash on paper, about 3" x 5," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Man on phone," ink and wash on paper, about 3" x 5," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Mazza phoning," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Mazza phoning," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

I then wandered over to a nearby McDonald's and has a small order of fries.  While eating, I sketched a group of boisterous friends at the table next to mine.

Geoff Watson, "Friends at McDonald's," ink and wash on paper, about 5" x 7," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Friends at McDonald's," ink and wash on paper, about 5" x 7," 2018.

I also sketched people waiting in line to order.

Geoff Watson, "Waiting in line at McDonald's," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Waiting in line at McDonald's," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Then I wandered into TJ Max and sketched a few folks shopping.  Shoppers move around more than I expected, so this was more of a challenge.  Here's a shoe-shopper.

Geoff Watson, "Shoe shopping," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Shoe shopping," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Finally I wandered back to my starting point and sketched one more person in a chair.  It was a nice afternoon!

Geoff Watson, "Lady at Mazza," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Lady at Mazza," ink and wash on paper, about 4" x 6," 2018.