Softball field

More softball!  This time I sketched the whole field across two pages of my sketchbook.  The game ended before I finished; I wanted to darken the darks, for example.  Still fun!

Geoff Watson, "Softball field," ink and watercolor on paper, 5" x 16," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Softball field," ink and watercolor on paper, 5" x 16," 2018.


I brought my fountain pens and watercolors to a softball game today. First I sketched a few people hanging out before the game.

Geoff Watson, "Hanging out," ink wash on paper, about 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Hanging out," ink wash on paper, about 5" x 8," 2018.

At the diamond, I started with this quick pen-and-ink sketch of the catcher.

Geoff Watson, "Catcher," ink wash on paper, about 3" x 5," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Catcher," ink wash on paper, about 3" x 5," 2018.

And a quick sketch of the coach.  Alas, I closed the sketchbook too soon, and some of the ink ran, but it still captures his gesture.

Geoff Watson, "Coach," ink wash on paper, about 1" x 3," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Coach," ink wash on paper, about 1" x 3," 2018.

Next, a ballplayer.

Geoff Watson, "Ballplayer," ink and watercolor on paper, about 5" x 7," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Ballplayer," ink and watercolor on paper, about 5" x 7," 2018.

I have some earlier sketches of players at bat and some infield action, but I haven't gotten around to photographing them. So for now you'll have to settle for a watercolor sketch of fans in the bleachers.

Geoff Watson, "Softball fans," ink and watercolor on paper, about 5" x 8," 2018.

Geoff Watson, "Softball fans," ink and watercolor on paper, about 5" x 8," 2018.